CNH Social: a program that brings more opportunities to those in need

The Detran of several states in Brazil offers the National Driver’s License – CNH Social, a social project that helps needy people to conquer one of the main forms of individual transport, the National Driver’s License.

The initiative was created by the Federal Government in 2014, and since then, many Traffic Departments have joined this cause.

The program offers the opportunity to obtain a CNH for free, without additional costs, providing more mobility and financial security to those who need it.

CNH Social


Who is entitled to the CNH Social?

To enroll in the National Driver’s License – CNH Social, you must meet certain criteria that vary by state.

In general, it is necessary to be at least 18 years old, prove low income (limit of up to 2 monthly minimum wages), be unemployed for more than a year under the CLT regime, be able to read and write, be a student at public school system, be enrolled in CadÚnico (Cadastro Único), be registered in the Bolsa Família program, be a small farmer or ex-convict who receives a salary equivalent to two minimum wages.

How to register for CNH Social?

Enrollment for CNH Social is free and can be done through the official websites of the state Detran or the SEST/SENAT portal.

In the portals, it is necessary to fill out a form with personal information and data that prove compliance with the required requirements.

After approval of the application, it is necessary to pass a theoretical and practical course in driving, which is mandatory.

To ensure approval in the course, it is necessary to study and prepare properly for the tests.

Why is Social CNH important?

The CNH Social is an important initiative because it allows needy people to have access to a driver’s license and, consequently, easier transportation.

In addition, the CNH is an important document for anyone looking to enter the job market, since many vacancies require qualification for the candidate to compete.

Another point to be highlighted is that the CNH enables program beneficiaries to become professional drivers, working in transport companies or as partner drivers of urban mobility applications.


This provides more financial security and opens up new job opportunities.

Social CNH or free CNH in 2023

Although it has not yet been confirmed which states will join the CNH Social program in 2023, the expectation is that several Detrans will renew the partnership with the Federal Government and offer the benefit to the population, in categories A or B, as well as the addition of categories A or B and the change from Category B to D.

However, it is important to highlight that adherence to the program does not depend only on the Detran, but also on the state budget for carrying out the actions.

Therefore, it is important to follow the news and information released about the CNH Social and its conditions in the state in which you live.

CNH Social: see how the selection works

The Brazilian states that joined the program have their own rules and selection criteria.

The program is aimed at people who cannot afford the cost of driving and who meet the criteria established by the states.

To participate, you must follow the registration period and send the supporting documents.

Enrollment is usually carried out in specific periods, announced by the responsible bodies in each state.

From there, applicants need to submit the necessary documentation to prove they meet the required criteria.

After analyzing the documents, the selected candidates are invited to start the qualification process. The first stage is the theoretical test, which must be carried out after completing the class hours.

After finishing the course, the candidate must pass the practical test, which tests the driver’s skills behind the wheel. If approved, the CNH is issued.

Selection criteria

Criteria adopted by states vary, but some are common to all.

Per capita family income is one of the main factors analyzed, in addition to the time the candidate has been unemployed and participation in a social program.

The order of registration and age may also be considered in the selection. Therefore, it is important to gather all the necessary documents and follow the application deadline.

CNH Social: a program that brings more opportunities to those in need

States that joined the CNH Social in 2023

In 2023, the states that have already confirmed adherence to the CNH Social program are: Acre, Bahia, Ceará, Federal District, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará , Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul.

Each state has its own rules and selection criteria. Therefore, it is important to check your state’s requirements before applying.


CNH Social is a fundamental initiative to guarantee the mobility and financial security of needy people who do not have access to a driver’s license.

With the social CNH, those benefiting from the program can look for new job opportunities and work as professional drivers in different sectors.

Although the selection criteria and the number of available places vary from state to state, it is important to be aware of the application deadlines and documents required to guarantee participation in the program.

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